Careers It’s More Than a Job It’s a Calling We are always looking for compassionate and quality individuals to join our team. Join Definitive Caregivers and grow your career we support your growth and nurture your success so you can reach your full potential. Please join Definitive Caregivers today and help keep patients in their home one patient at a time. Documents Needed: RN, LPN, CNA License or HHA Certificate w/Curriculum HOMEMAKE, COMPANION Assistance with Self Medication Certificate (2hr) Initial HIV Certificate (2hr) CNA/HHA Most Current CEUs Valid CPR Card Documents Authorizing applicant to work in the United States of America Social Security Card Driver’s License or other valid I.D or (Government Photo Identification) Active Auto Insurance Policy Physical- Must be done within the past six (6) months stating applicant is “free of communicable diseases” (Physical cannot be performed by a Chiropractor) Must be done by a M.D., ARNP, P.A. or a D.O. Professional Liability Insurance Two work references with fax numbers- Private duty requires a notarized letter from the patient or family Professional Attire Preferred EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM First Name (required) Last Name (required) M.I (required) Address (required) City (required) State Zip Code Phone (required) Best time to call? Resume Upload Date: Home Phone Cell Phone Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Number# SSN# DOB: Vehicle Information: Year: Make: Model: Tag# Do you suffer from allergies? (Pets, Smoke, etc.) Do you speak any languages other than English? Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Have you worked for other agencies? Do you have any special training or skills? HospiceAlzheimer’sOther How long have you lived in Florida? In the area? Are you currently working? If Yes, Where? May we contact your current employer? If yes, Supervisor’s Name: How did you hear about Definitive Caregivers LLC? Within the past 6 months Licenses/Certificates held: RNLPNCNACPRHHAHomemakerCompanion AidOther License/Certificate #: (RN,LPN,CNA) State Exp Do you have a criminal background screening Level 2 on file with another agency? Health Certificate? Do you have proof of minimum 2 hours HIV/AIDS Training? Certificate for Assist with Self-Administration of Medications (2 hour minimum)? Have you applied to work at Definitive Caregivers LLC in the past? Do you have any friends or relatives who work for Definitive Caregivers LLC? If yes, who? Do you have any physical/mental disabilities that would limit your work performance? Do you smoke? [text Do-you-smoke?]